Why Joaquin Phoenix’ Acceptance Speech Was One of The Greatest in Oscar History

Richard Greene
5 min readFeb 12, 2020

Joaquin Phoenix’ acting performance in “Joker” was extraordinary.

His acceptance speech was — for many of the same reasons — at least as good, and one of the boldest, most courageous and healing messages ever delivered at The Academy Awards, or anywhere.

Let’s go through the entire speech to find out why. You can watch here: http://bit.ly/JoaquinPhoenixAcceptanceSpeechNowThis

Humble Gratitude — Connecting With The Audience — Paving The Way for The Rest

As he did in his entire SAG speech Joaquin shares his gratitude and deeply acknowledges his fellow actors. As someone who is not a natural public speaker this allows him to get warmed up as he also warms up the audience for what is to come.

“God, I’m full of so much gratitude right now, and I do not feel elevated above any of my fellow nominees or anyone in this room, because we share the same love — the love of film. And this form of expression has given me the most extraordinary life. I don’t know what I’d be without it.

Setting The Stage for The Advocacy

This first sentence is genius. In just a few words he continues the theme of gratitude, pivots to the activism and, also, sets a theme for the many



Richard Greene
Richard Greene

Written by Richard Greene

“The Civics Dean” is a Political Communication Strategist and a former attorney and “Civics Educator” and author of “WTF are ‘The Midterms’?” @TheCivicsDean

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