Member-only story
There’s Only 1 Way To Restore Reproductive Rights
by Richard Greene, “The Civics Dean”
Marching is great . . . but do you really think that Clarence Thomas or Samuel Alito or Neil Gorsuch or Brett Kavanaugh or Amy Coney-Barrett give a s___?
Marching is great . . . but do you really think that the Republican think tanks that have been plotting this “Roe Coup” give a s___?
Marching is great . . . but do you really think that Mitch McConnell or the other 49 Republican Senators give a s___?
Marching is great, Tweeting is great, Posting on Instagram is great, Doing the best ever creative Tik Toks is great . . . but do you really think that screaming in person, or screaming on social media is going to have 5 SCOTUS Justices, with LIFETIME tenure, shaking in their robes and ready to reverse their decision?
Um. No.
The Supreme Court is NOT going to back down. Or reverse their “Draft” opinion.
The dozens of states with Republican state legislators, Republican Governors and anti-reproductive rights laws will not back down. Or reverse their Draconian laws.
And, with the upcoming SCOTUS ruling, NO District Court or Circuit Court or State Court will, or can, do ANYTHING to reverse that ruling. The SUPREME COURT is The SUPREME court.